Saturday, February 20, 2010

Turning Point

You come to a corner
and go straight
or turn left or right
but unless there's a barricade,
man-made or natural,
you rarely turn back.
But in a life turning points
may be a zigzag or a curve,
even a dead end with no choice
but to backup and start over.

A book The Stranger by Camus
a philosophy course, a friend or
a trip to Spain, a broken marriage,
a loss of trust in those you love.
A life or death decision,
the death of a friend--
for you it was not one thing.

(2nd draft)


Turning Point
We all know the meaning
you come to a corner
and you go straight
or you turn left or right
but rarely, unless there is
a barricade man-made or natural
would you ever turn back.
But in a life these turning points
are sometimes a zigzag or a curve
and even a dead end with no choice
but to backup and start over.

It may be a book you read,
Camus' The Stranger,
a philosophy course, a friend or
a trip to Spain, a broken marriage,
a loss of trust in those you love.
A life or death decision,
the death of a friend,
for me it was not one thing.

(first draft) still in progress

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