Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Night of Insomnia

Actually it's preinsomnia because I haven't even been able to make an effort. I have this awful headache and I rarely ever have a headache. After doing so well eating proper foods and a little exercise out of frustration that I couldn't go to sleep I ate a couple of Popsicles. No doubt the aspartame stimulate the desire for my real favorites chocolate and/or peanuts. I justified some m&m's because I thought chocolate might alleviate this awful headache. By this point I was so off the diet that I also ate peanuts, justifying this because they have no cholesterol or salt and have lots of protein. I thought maybe I have a headache because I'm hungry.

The only thing that helped is I read Liz's blog so for about 30 minutes I was so engrossed in reading that I was distracted from the throbbing headache. As soon as I quit reading it was just ad bad as ever do off to the kitchen again, my own personal alchemy lab.

Bt this point I'm sure I must have a caffeine headache so I drink a little diet coke and come back and watch a bit of tv. The late rerun of the newshour on PBS is on. Again I'm distracted from myself as they talk about the news of the first day of the year. But then it occurs to me tv and especially news of terrorist attacks will not be a remedy for insomnia ory headache.

So I'm back toore research iny alchemy lab. How about Tylenol. I take two Tylenol then notice it's two years out-of-date. I give this very little thought because somewhere at some point iny life I read from a legitimate authority that the medicine may not be as strong but it doesn't go bad. Of course, I've heard all kinds of things to the contrary and that you should even throw out spices and fertilizer after the date on the package. At 4:00 in the morning I don't care. I take the only Tylenol in the house. (One should know better than to buy 2 bottles of 500 capsules from Sam' Club unless you are an emergency room.).

I return to bed knowing I'm not going to sleep so I turn tv back on, avoiding more news. I watch Martha Stewart. It's a rerun of her guest who started Twitter so he explains Twitter to her and the audience. For once I feel smarter than Martha Stewart; however, neither the Tylenol (which by the way is Sam's Club generic) nor Martha Stewart have helped my headache.

Finally I surrender to the inevitable. In that I have insomnia and a headache I make s pot of coffee and let the dog out. He'd been patient all night probably thinkin each time I got up it was to let him outside. So while the coffee brews he takes an outside break.

The sleep lab recommends no caffeine after about noon so I'll sleep well. I did that and now I am in the throws of a caffeine headache or a brain tumor.

The dog comes back in from the freezing cold after I bribe him with a cookie, and I take my coffee with me to bed. So I take a moment to write my research results on insomnia and headaches while I drink my coffee. As for outcome of caffeine on headache and insomnia, the headache is better but maybe that's because I'm distracted by writing instead of drinking the coffee.

1 comment:

  1. I will have to edit this later on my computer as I can't edit as easily on iPhone.
