Friday, July 24, 2009

Curves: the Long Route to Exercise

Today is Friday, just another Friday in July except it is very hot and humid. I had decided I would go to Curves to exercise today as I had taken a long break during camp. I'd come home too tired; then when I finally decided for sure I'd go exercise after camp, the soles on my walking shoes had melted, or the glue melted, and they became detached. I did have a pair of old sneakers I could wear, but somehow each day I was way too tired.

So finally today the 24th of July, I decided to go to Curves, a different location from the last one. According to mapquest it was going to take me ten minutes, door to door. So I start out in the car and decide to fill the tank on the way as I was flat on empty. I get to the nearby intersection to go to Curves, make a left turn, drive about a mile and it suddenly is bumper to bumper traffic. No, I better turn around and go back to the nearest gas station. So this is what I do, but I only put in $10.00 worth since gas is a little higher at this station.

Now for my second start. I'll go the other route, which would not be much further, but possibly less traffic. It turns out there isn't much traffic, but it is further. Finally I arrive at Curves at 2:40. Unfortunately, it is closed from 1:00 until 3:00 though it didn't say that on the website. A few minutes later a girl gets out of her car and unlocks the door. She turns on the music and tells me I can go ahead and begin.

I sign in as their computer is down so my card won't work. I go free because of the Senior Sneakers Plan through AARP. I like the ambiance of this location better than the other one. Also there are all these notes around and displays on the wall, hopefully to inspire the reluctant member. I then begin, and as I go around the circle I notice that they charge $1.00 for bottled water and don't have a water fountain. I still don't like the music they play, but I begin my routine. I am the only one there other than the receptionist who unlocked the door. I do my entire thirty minute routine, wondering if this can possibly help me lose a few pounds. It's a good start I tell myself.

I was determined to get there today, in spite of driving in traffic, stopping for gas, taking two different routes, and finding Curves closed when I got there. I finished up in about thirty minutes, got in my car and decided to return home. I tried the another route home, by the middle school where my son went years ago and where I from time to time substitute teach. As I'm driving the familiar route I notice how it has changed over the years, stop signs at nearly every intersection, new condos, most houses renovated, even the school. I keep trying to make some kind of use of this long trip to and from Curves to exercise for thirty minutes. There is no unusual traffic driving home so it does take me about ten minutes. I listen to PBS and enjoy the cool air conditioning, wishing I'd brought a water bottle with me. I refused to pay $1.00 for water since my Curves membership is otherwise free.

Though nothing particularly memorable comes from the "tour de Curves" today, I did get there and back and accomplish my goal. My weight was the least delightful moment, but I comforted myself that I weighed with my shoes on, and it's the middle of the day. Probably my weight is about the same it was when I first joined Curves before camp and went only three times. I do think it takes more than three times to see any changes. So I have begun again.

Surely exercise isn't this hard for every other woman sixty-six years old! Today I definitely took the long route to exercise including my detour and gas fill-up, plus six weeks off since I first began in June. Maybe congress will pass a bill that requires everyone to exercise daily in order to get health insurance, and it's all stored away on our health profile. Then we are taxed higher if we haven't exercised.

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