Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Prunes with Pits

Wouldn't you know it, I go to Publix yesterday instead of Kroger, and what do I find? You guessed it, Prunes with Pits. So they haven't quit selling them both ways. So I looked at the various size cans and brands, with pits, without pits. Even Publix had their own brand of "Plums", then below it "Prunes." I guess that's in case we think prunes are very large grapes or something.

I actually look at the labels on the cans and notice that some add fructose. Now that's a good way to mess up something that is otherwise healthy. Then I notice there are premium prunes and just prunes, large cans, small cans, sealed bags. The sealed bags for some reason are more expensive than the cans or at least the cans that aren't really cans but cartons with a metal lid. After all my store research standing in the aisle of dried fruit, I again get the pitted prunes. I guess I just wanted to know they still had prunes with pits, but I didn't really want to pay extra to have the pits in the can.

No doubt everything old is new again. I also read last night an article in the May issue of AARP Magazine on the same subject except they titled it "They're Back (the 1930s, That Is." Then they showed pictures of Clark Gable with his mustach and Brad Pitt with his mustach. They proceeded with a chart of the trends with a column for then and now. My favorite, "Trouble -prone Yankee sluggers", then was Babe Ruth and now is Alex Rodriguez. I'm not sure Rod Blogojevich would like being the now for Chicago outlaw, especially when the then was Al Capone. It is a rather timely chart. Guess my mind was in the same place when I wrote about the prunes earlier.

As usual, I stand corrected once again. For anyone reading, there are still prunes with pits.

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