Friday, January 13, 2012

Bathrobe Day

From: "Ro
To: Be, Ju
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 2:00:00 PM
Subject: Bathrobe Day

I feel a bathrobe day coming on. It's now almost 3:00 pm and I'm still in my pjs. It's very cold in Atlanta today, 36 degrees and I don't know what the wind chill is, but it feels like maybe 10 below zero. So what do you girls think? Do I get dressed or make this one a 2 pajama days with clean ones at bedtime.

I did sleep well with CPAP last night, didn't awaken until 6:30 this morning when the neighbor's dog was barking. Only thing, I didn't get to sleep till after about 1:30 or 2:00 am. I did listen to some mighty fine music though on Youtube before I did finally go to sleep. Since they were pieces I had played, I'm afraid the effect was counterproductive for sleep as I found myself wanting to play them as soon as possible. Oh well, it's a start. I'm still hanging in there with the CPAP and music instead of Craig Ferguson.

I do need to get dressed though. Funny thing how around here the grocery stores prefer customers to show up dressed. I guess in my pjs I could pass for a drag queen today though. (Our neighborhood Kroger is known as the gay Kroger whereas others may be known as the Jewish Kroger, the hippie Kroger, etc.) I also need to get my smoke detectors. I didn't order them from Amazon because I wanted them sooner. That was a week or two ago. They would be here by now and much cheaper, free shipping and no tax.

So Sister, get on it right away. You need to write songs about the birth of your children Ke and Ju as Jay-C did for Blue Ivy. You're a little late, but that just gives you more information to work with, right. How could you have know Ju would be a singer with three children or Ke a firefighter with four children? Besides, you can then have Ju sing it. How cool is that, Julie?

See you guys. Love from Siberia.

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