Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some Days Are like This . . . especially at Camp

Monday, June 14, 2010 at 6:39pm 

I left keys in trunk of car today at camp where anyone could have stolen my car. I noticed keys when I put things in trunk at end of day. A stolen car would have put me over the edge.

1:00--Power went out so no crepes for 4th period in Fun Foods. We eat the fruit for the crepes, make smoothies from the one carton of yogurt and gallon of milk. We drink plain milk as well. We eat leftover pretzels and cream cheese from Monday, leftover nacho chips from Thursday when we had Mexican food, and more milk, more fruit-- mango, strawberries, and peach. We added a bit of cool whip. I was trying to use perishable food before it ruined. Even though they'd just eaten lunch, they had a party and ate everything.

2:00--Accidental fire drill so we all evacuated into the heat for 5th period acting. We return to class. One actor is absent so one child is both Wilbur and Fern.

3:00--6th period acting two actors are out and another one leaves after ten minutes for gymnastics. Juliet's brother is also Romeo because Romeo is absent. Three girls want to be Juliet even though two of them have been absent, and one is leaving for 3:10. They want to end play with Romeo and Juliet going to heaven and the girl who is Romeo's mother and the medic also wants to be Pegasus and ride my white horse that looks like Pegasus to see them in heaven. Fortunately it us time to go, and I told her she could work on a final scene tonight.

4:00--Kids go home, not a minute too soon. After carpool I pack up to go home, and I notice I don't hear the hum of the fridge in the kitchen/chemistry lab. That's right, When the power came on at 2:00, the sockets for refrigerator didn't come on; and the electricians had now gone for the day. So I load up everything in fridge that we didn't eat (cheese, tortillas, extra fruit) to bring back home till we need it next week if it stays cold in my portable coolers long enough to get home.

So like I said after a chaotic rehearsal of "Romeo and Juliet" and plan changes in other classes of the afternoon, I must say I felt totally blessed and protected from all evil and confusion everywhere when I saw those keys hanging out of the trunk of my Acura today. No one had stolen my car from the parking lot of the junior high, and my car was in perfect order with nothing missing.

I guess if my car wasn't stolen today, I really have no worries about camp, power, or the children's plays. So what if "Charlotte's Web" takes place in a condo. Who knows, maybe somewhere people do die if they break a fingernail as Romeo and Juliet do in their play. Children's imaginations are simply unbelievable. I sit there in amazement. I could not have written a better line myself--"please don't make Wilbur move from the condo. He ls just living his life as a pig and pigs squeal."

Parking More than Copay

Monday, April 26, 2010 at 2:06pm ·

Parking is $5.00. Copayment for doctor is zero. Copayment for prescriptions is $4.00 for 90 days with mail-order AARP Rx supplement. Parking is $5.00. I wonder when parking will be covered as a medical expense by insurance and Medicare.

Publix has some antibiotics free. Kroger, Sams, and many other pharmacies have generic prescriptions for $4.00 for 30 days. There was a time when doctors validated parking, and many doctor's offices had free parking.

As the guy in the elevator said to his friend as he tried to remember where they'd parked, "I'm not used to the big city." Neither am I. Does anyone have a "park free" card I can use?